Intro Blog

 Hi, My name is Myles and this is an introduction about me. I am 16 years old, turning 17 on September 15th. I am in 11th grade at Fort Lauderdale High school where I plan to compete in wrestling. On my own time I enjoy drawing and doing martial arts. Although I enjoy doing martial arts, a lot of my time is taken up by the other responsibilities I have and work that continues to be piled onto me. I have a job nearby the school at a piano shop where I fix up pianos and tune them. On top of that school is throwing a lot of work on me also but I'm managing through it with little time to myself but still managing. I took this class last year and really enjoyed it so decided to switch into the class to take A-level. I overheard that A-level will be making a short film, I don't entirely know if it's true because I was talking to friends while I overheard that but if it is true, I have many ideas on what to make for the short film and how to go about it. During the summer I had been studying anatomy on my own time since I draw, so the fact that I have anatomy now will make that class extremely easy and will hopefully help me understand the human body better so that I could get better at drawing. I still need to learn the anatomy of other animals such as quadrupedal creatures, birds, and aquatic animals to fully grasp how they function and will also help with my drawings wince I focus mostly on fictional creatures so understanding the anatomy of animals would help with that. Since I started drawing I have made a social media account for the drawings I make but haven't posted too much since I struggle with focusing due to my ADHD. This issue has also caused me to struggle in school since completing a task requires more concentration for me than anyone else. Unless I really enjoy the topic I am learning such as anatomy, other science based subject, to an extent history, drawing, and martial arts. Although I love martial arts I have only been practicing on my own for the past couple months; I used to train in an actual dojo but while my cousin was in an kickboxing match he broke his knee, causing me to take a break and eventually quit going altogether due to how expensive it was. Me and him still train whenever we can after he healed from his injury and he teaches my stuff that he learns in class since he still attends at the dojo. Soon I'm gonna be learning jiujitsu with my dad since I believe it will help with wrestling and will just over all be useful to know. Despite all the stuff I already do, I really like cooking and making new dishes and especially during the summer I was cooking a lot making stuff like cookies, pasta from scratch, various fish, steak, burritos and curry. I hope to be able to continue to improve these skills during this school year and learn new ones. I have high hopes for the future and what it holds.
